Pay a visit to our dental practice in Canberra
Good dental hygiene is essential not only for oral health, but to maintain general health as well. If you’re looking for an experienced dentist in Canberra and Tuggeranong area and surrounding suburbs such as Wanniassa, Macarthur, Gowrie, Erindale, Kambah, Gilmore and Monash, look no further than Wanniassa Dental Surgery.
Brushing and flossing
Many of us do not realise the importance of good dental hygiene and the negative impact that neglecting our teeth has on our health. Recent studies indicate a correlation between poor oral health and several serious systemic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases (stroke and heart disease), difficulty controlling diabetes and premature birth/low birth weight babies to name a few.
At Wanniassa Dental Surgery, we have a commitment to the establishment and maintenance of healthy mouths, and a preventive approach to the control and management of dental problems. It is vitally important to have regular hygiene and examination appointments to achieve these goals.
During a hygiene appointment our dentist will thoroughly clean the teeth of plaque and calculus (hard plaque or tartar), remove surface staining and assess your gums for any signs of gingivitis or periodontitis (gum disease). An assessment for other diseases such as oral cancer is also carried out.
Our dentist will also work with you to show you how to clean your teeth effectively, giving you tips and pointers to improve your oral condition. We will also give you advice on which dental products to use to make your job easier and more effective. Diet and lifestyle changes may also be recommended to help keep your teeth and smile healthy.
To maintain good oral health it is important to have dental hygiene appointments regularly (usually every 6 months). The hygiene appointment is usually coupled with a periodic examination with one of our dentists, who will perform a thorough check-up of the teeth and dental restorations, with the aim of identifying problems early before they become major issues. Radiographs (x-rays) may also be required to aid in this process.
The ultimate goal of the dental hygiene department is the prevention of disease, showing patients the effects of dental disease and then assisting them to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to maintain optimal oral health between visits.